Pay per click budget calculator

Use the calculator below to determine your monthly PPC Advertising Budget. You will need to know:-
- How many Sales or Sales Leads you want to achieve each month.
- What the average Cost Per Click is of the keywords you want to be found for. (Or use £1.00).
- The Conversion Rate** of your target website. (Or use 1%).
Your desired number of e-commerce sales or leads per month from PPC.
Desired ecommerce sales or leads per month 1[?]
Current average cost per click. If unknown, try £1, £2 or £3 to see the effect on the budget.
Current ppc: cost per click £0.01[?]
Website Conversion rate: (Number of Leads or e-commerce Sales produced from PPC p.m.) / (Number of PPC Clicks p.m.), expressed as %. Use 1% if unknown.
Current website conversion rate 0.01%Calculations
Based on your input values, these are the PPC Budgets.
Required monthly cost per click budget --
Equiv. daily cost per click budget --
**Checkout: Website (Landing Pages) Clicks and Conversion Rates by Industry. Unbounce Report.